I now have all my marks for second semester, including the mark for the turd of a History essay that I handed in a week late. I was given a 90% on that essay, which was quite a pleasant surprise. The History final, that only took me 15 minutes to write, was given a mark of 92%.
I did better than I thought on my Pathophysiology final. My mark for that exam was a 79.41%. My course mark for Pathophysiology, was my worst one at 81.75%.
My marks are a bit lower than last semester but still respectable. My highest mark was a 95.17% and my lowest mark was an 81.75%. Keep in mind that for everything but the History course, a pass is 65%. My mark for the dreaded composite exam was 74%. They made the pass for that one a 60%. I suspect that a lot of people would have failed the composite, if a pass was 65%. A lot of people found that one hard. It was mostly about applying fundamental concepts and a lot of people in my class don't like doing that.
Most of the students in the year ahead of me, start their clinicals next week. I wish them luck, even thought they don't need any.
I'm actually doing some studying now. There are a few things that I only have a vague understanding of and I would like to rectify that. I was a bit surprised yesterday when I found it completely unnecessary to read a certain part of my
favourite anatomy textbook because I knew all of the material.
I"ll be taking an elective, that starts on May 5th and ends on May 28th. The course is called "Excursions in Modern Mathematics". The course is described as a "liberal arts math" course, which seems to mean that it's a math course that doesn't have much math. It sounds like a good course for boosting my CGPA.
One of the local universities has a correspondence math course that I'm almost planning on taking. I'm planning on getting a degree after I finish RT school, so I need to strengthen my Math skills a bit.