Saturday, September 04, 2010

Looking for an IT job

On Wednesday night, I made the mistake of taking a close look at my finances. I think I know what a full blown panic attack feels like now. I couldn't sleep and was second guessing my chances of getting a decent IT job. I was starting to think that I might have to start looking for really crappy entry level IT positions.

I had an interview on Thursday morning with a potential employer and was pretty pessimistic about it, as I was driving to the interview. Traffic was horrible and I made it just in time. When I walked into the building, I was thinking about all the different ways that the interview could go horribly wrong. I was starting to think of the interview as just a way to get some good interviewing experience and perhaps an opportunity to get some feedback into what I need to do to get back into IT.

The interview was the best one I ever had. My two year absence from IT, and my pursuit of an RT career, was an interesting topic of conversation that left the interviewers thoroughly entertained. The interview was fairly technical and was a big confidence builder. I can still "talk tech" with IT professionals and come across as knowledgeable and competent.

I also had an interview with an IT recruiter on Thursday afternoon. I was still pumped about the interview in the morning, during that interview. The recruiter was pretty enthusiastic about me and the employment opportunities that are available to me.

My interview in the morning was the first IT job that I applied for. I had forgotten about how long the hiring process takes. I applied for that job in early August and was interviewed by a hiring manager over 30 days later!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What have I done

I've pursued an interest in Science and Medicine as far as I need to. Science is interesting but I'm not interested in doing the work required to get a PhD and I hate working in a lab. Medicine is interesting but I dislike several things associated with patient care and working in a hospital.

I have a renewed interest, and enthusiasm, for my IT career and am going to go back to it without any second thoughts.

Monday, August 16, 2010

More details coming soon

I'll provide more details about what I've done, what I'm doing and what I'm planning to do. The short version of the story is that I'm returning to my Information Technology career.

I'm kind of busy studying for some exams, so I might not be getting around to any serious posting for a while.

I'm thinking about starting a new blog. I'll leave this blog around because it might be of use to people interested in Respiratory Therapy.

My "career exploration sabbatical" is over, but the adventure continues...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Departure Date: 2010-07-14

I got a copy of my transcript a few days ago. At the top it says:

Departure Date: 2010-07-14

I dropped out of the program. After completing about 2.5 months of clinical rotations, I decided that don't want to be an RT. Everyone who knows about it, is shocked. I'm relieved.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Last shift for PICU

I've already finished my NICU rotation. I'm about to leave for the last shift of my PICU rotation. Next week I'll go back to my base Hospital and do the rest of my rotations there.  I'm having trouble coming to grips with the fact that my training will be finished in a about 5 months. I feel like I know so little and have so much to learn.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NICU Rotation

I'm currently doing my NICU rotation in a Level III NICU. I thought that I would find neonates scary but they aren't that bad. Some of them are actually ridiculously cute. I've got a few days off and am having trouble motivating myself to study.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First week of clinical

The first week of clinical was fairly unstressful. I went to my first code blue, which was interesting. I always wondered how I would do at a code blue. I was there and did what needed to be done, just like everyone else in the room. Doing a code blue in the school's simulation lab, was a lot more stressful.